Bahar Niknejad, MD
Geriatrics and Palliative MedicineInternal Medicine
Bahar Niknejad, MD, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, completed her combined Internal Medicine/Geriatrics medicine residency and fellowship training at Eastern Virginia Medical School. Since joining EVMS as a resident, she has led in-patient medicine teams of residents and medical students where she has the opportunity to teach others. She has served as a mentor for medical students and residents on their research projects.
Dr. Niknejad is excited to continue contributing to EVMS’ efforts in training the next generation of well-qualified health care providers. She has published eight articles in peer-reviewed journals, including JAMA Internal Medicine and American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. She has presented her research at both state-level and national conferences. Dr. Niknejad's main area of research interest is dementia and neurocognitive disorders.